How to wear headphones with long hair – Useful Tips

If you want to wear headphones with long hair, you should know a few different things. Headphones come in all shapes and sizes, sometimes depending on how you wear them. So if you are wearing your headphones and have your hair long, it can get in the way. This blog is the best guide for you if you want to know about how to wear headphones with long hair.

Tips On How To Wear Headphones With Long Hair

Wearing headphones with long hair is a little more difficult than people realize. For one, you may have to change the style of headphones you wear if your hair is not up.

There are a few different ways a person with long hair can wear their headphones, and they all depend on what kind of headphones they have or how they want to wear them.

If you have small headphones:

If you have small earbud style headphones, the best way to wear them with long hair is to put them in your ears and then put your hair up in a bun or ponytail. It will help keep your hair out of the way and keep the headphones from falling out of your ears because you are not moving your head around.

If you have large headphones:

Like the Beats brand, large headphones can be worn with long hair if you put them over your ears and then wear your hair down or in a ponytail/bun. It will help keep the headphones on your head without getting tangled up in the wires.

If you have headphones that go over your ears:

The best way to wear the Beats by Dre brand of headphones with long hair is to put them on and then put your hair up in a bun or ponytail. It will help keep your hair out of the way and keep the headphones from falling off because they are not as secure on your head.

Choose The Right Headphones for Long Hair

If you have long hair, it is best to choose headphones that fit over your ears instead of earbuds. 

Earbuds tend to fall out of people’s ears more easily when they have long hair and can also be a pain to keep in if you are moving around a lot.

If you have large headphones, like the Beats brand, you can wear them while your hair is down, but it is best to put them over your ears instead of around the back of your head. It will help keep them in place and not let them move around as much.

If you have smaller headphones, like earbuds, put your hair up in a bun or ponytail to keep it out of the way while you listen to your music. It will also keep the headphone from falling out easily if they are hanging down or if your hair is in front of them.


Wearing headphones while having long hair can be done; it just takes a little bit of planning and will take some time to get used to how they feel on your head and in your ears.

Ensure that if you have long hair and want to wear headphones with it, do not put the headphone directly over the back of your hair. It will cause the headphones to hit your hair and cause it to get tangled in them.


Why do headphones mess up hair?

Headphones don’t cause any damage to your hair. They are designed to be worn on top of the person’s head, not behind their ear or around the back of their neck. It is why they can mess up people’s hair because it causes them to move around more and let their hair fall in front of their face.

Should you wear headphones with wet hair?

No, you should never wear headphones with wet hair. When your hair is wet, wearing headphones can cause it to get tangled in the cords of the earphones and cause damage to the headphones themselves.

Can I sleep with my headphones on?

Yes! You can sleep with your headphones on but be sure to take them off while you are still in bed. Leaving headphones on while you are sleeping can cause damage to your hearing and is not recommended.

How long is too long to wear headphones?

There is no set time for how long you can wear headphones. It depends on the person and how long they feel comfortable wearing them. However, it is not recommended to wear headphones for more than an hour at a time as this can cause damage to your hearing.

Is Noise Cancelling Bad for Your ears?

No, noise-canceling headphones are not bad for your ears. They are designed to help reduce the amount of Noise coming into your ears and can be beneficial for people who work in loud environments.

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